Bombinate Title



With 350+ brands, spanning hundreds of categories Bombinate have a lot of stories to tell and one channels that needed to be used most efficiently was email marketing. Designing emails turned out to be the channel that consumed the most time for design and marketing teams. In order to speed up the process without compromising on the quality of design on content, it was clear that we needed an email design system with a set of templates to accommodate both efficiency and flexibility when designing emails.




The aim was to create a set of templates along with a system scalable and flexible enough to accomodate new designs within a framework ensuring both module designs and templates were consistent with one another.

First was to establish the foundation of the system, from grids, typography, colous and buttons then building up to components and modules. Creating the set of modules to function like lego bricks stacking on top of each other, allowed new and existing modules to be interchangeably used by different team member on their own projects.

The benefits of utilizing product design principles and creating reusable components this ensures consistency as well as efficiency and we continue to reap the rewards as it it used within automated email flows and weekly campaign emails.

Email LibraryEmail LibraryEmail LibraryEmail LibraryEmail LibraryEmail LibraryEmail Library
Email Components

All Bombinate emails are designed in Figma and created via HTML and CSS to ensure it’s responsive in both desktop and mobile and Dark Mode growing in populartiy, we wanted to ensure that we also covered this experience for our customers.

Before creating the templates, we identified three key emails, all with a specific purpose. These templates were editorial, category/brand and lastly, product.

This editorial template was designed for the purpose of story telling with large imagery, some nearly full width to give precedence to imagery and aid in that story telling whether it was about sustainability, a brand or Bombinate itself. The primary aim of the template was on increase brand awareness and create a positive brand recall from our customers.

Editorial Email

This next template was designed to promote either brands or categories. We found a simple two-column layout to showcase a variety of categories or brands was the most effective template as it  kept emails short and messaging concise. This reduced cognitive overload of the customer resulting in increased click rates to site.

Category Email

The last and most commercial of templates aimed to promote products which could be used to dynamically pull products the customer has the most affinity to or curate particular products to help promote an edit, category or brand. With thousands of brands we see this email as a way to help customers with discovering new products they may miss when browsing the website, aiming to increase click rates and moving on increasing conversion rates on site.

Product Email
All EmailsCraftsmanship Image

Below are examples of Bominates newly designed welcome flow. Previously when signing up a customer would only get one email soon after signing up but as Bombinate has a compelling story from how brands are chosen and curated to the genesis of Bombinate, we wanted to take our customers through a journey with us through a timed automated email flow.

This is where you really see the benefits of creating emails through components and modules as you can quickly create a series of emails with modules already designed and made accessible.

Welcome Flow Emails